100 Great Save Trees Slogans, Quotes and Posters
Here you will find posters, slogans, quotes and memes for saving trees. Our Rainforests are being cut down at an enormous rate; It is not sustainable. Deforestation tears down our Nation. We all can do more for the Earth we adore. Will you help please to Save the trees? Give a Hoot to Save the Root! The consequences will be large, so it’s up to us to take charge!
If you love nature and want it to be there for the generations to come, we need to appreciate and value nature, and do what we can to conserve and preserve. By everyone making little changes, together it can have a big impact. Give Mother Earth back her power, lets go green starting this hour!
This drawing I made could be interpreted in two ways. Way one: Mother Nature holding a tree and seeing all beauty in all it provides and does. Or it can be interpreted as a person who sees the importance of trees and all it does and extends a hand to save it.
Reuse paper as much as possible. Print double sided paper when possible. Opt for online options; take notes on your laptop or ipad, buy ebooks instead of print books. If you have to buy print books, buy used instead of new. Use double sides of paper. Use washable rags instead of paper towels. Being wasteful is never tasteful. Make efforts to reduce and reuse until it becomes a habit.
From the Redwood Forests to the Blue Stream Water, Protect the Earth for your son and daughter. Changes must be made today to keep the Earth clean and green for the generations to come.
The trees do so much for us, so lets root for saving trees.
Trees do so much for you and me, saving them is the key, so a better future we can all see. In this image it shows kids playing on the tree and enjoying nature.
It is astonishing when you see data like this. How so much damage was done in such a small amount of time. It really is eye-opening in making us realize it is not sustainable. Cause a rumble to save the Jungle!
The Amazon Rainforest we must not destroy, we must save it for every girl and boy, so future generations can enjoy.
With knowledge comes responsibility. People have been able to learn and create so much. We have made so many amazing advancements in technology and have been able to create things that in the past people would only dream about. But even so we need turn some of that effort to preserving the Environment and creating sustainability so the green can be seen for the generations to come.
Save Trees Facts
In this infographic I stated some important reasons why we should save trees. These reasons include:
- They give off Oxygen and absorb Carbon Dioxide. This is especially important at this time because of climate change and too much carbon dioxide in the air. The excess carbon dioxide is being absorbed in the oceans, and as a result the coral reefs are dying. There may come a time when the coral reefs are all gone. And yet the trees that help absorb the carbon dioxide are being cut down.
- Trees help with soil erosion and help absorb water so if there is a flood, it is not as high.
- The trees are an important part of the ecosystem. Currently many species of animals are goring extinct. According to the World Resources Institute, 100 species each day are going extinct due to deforestation. This is a huge number, and is devastating to keeping Biodiversity. Trees provide food and shelture to many species of animals, and as they go it will only get harder and harder for them to survive.
- There are many species of plants and animals in the rainforest that are yet to be discovered. If the rainforests dissapear, so will the chance of ever getting to discover these animals and plants. Some on these plants may even have cures to diseases.
Here is an interesting quote to think about. Trees produce Oxygen we breath in addition to so much more. Yet so much of it is carelessly being cut down.
Save Trees Memes
The Most Interesting Man Alive knows the importance of saving trees. Do you?
So much of the forests have been cut down and are still being cut every day.
Lets join hand in hand to save the land. It’s up to you and me to keep the Earth green and serene.
Save our trees, Save our Oceans, To save the Earth we must get in motion.
We are all connected in the Earth. In our ecosystem we depend on each other to keep balance. When one part of the ecosystem gets harmed it has a chain effect and harms the other parts of the ecosystem. That is why it is so important to live in harmony with nature. Conserve, preserve and keep Biodiversity. As some parts of our ecosystem are affected, soon we all are affected. Remember and think, We are all linked. Tell your Mother and your Father, your sister and your brother, Conserving and preserving is key, for a better future for you and me.
Save Trees Tshirts
Save Trees Save Life Tshirt Slogan
When you save trees, you save much more as well such as the plants and animals that rely on that tree.
Live in Harmony with nature T-shirt.
When you save trees, you save much more as well such as the plants and animals that rely on that tree. So many animals and people depend on trees. Save Trees, Save Life! Check out these cool save trees shirts and more at inkcoast.com/gogreen
Save Trees Poems
Mother Nature Poem
Hear Mother Nature’s cry
as she watches her animals die.
Hear Mother Nature’s call
as one by one her trees fall.
Hear Mother Nature shout
while there’s pollution all about.
Hear Mother Nature weep
as the damage we’re doing runs deep.
Hear Mother Nature’s cry
as she is left asking why.
Day and Night Go Green Poem
Day and night
lets not quit the fight
to do whats right
to keeps trees
in sight.
Day and night
lets do what we can
to make it a better
land, for animals
and man.
Day and night
We must keep in mind
Earth is one of a kind,
we change our ways
or be left behind.
Plant a tree here and there, to the Earth we must be fair. For the future generations we must care, planting trees is what’s fair. For the planet we must care or deforestation will leave it bare. To make a change do your dare? To protect our land, water and air or in the future there will be a scare. I hope you are aware and for the trees you care.
Save Trees Quotes
We all have the power in this hour to change our ways and awareness to raise. If you want the world to be cleaner and greener, you can start with making changes yourself and serving as an example to others. By us all caring even a little, a big difference can be made.
Reuse paper as much as you can or so paperless. It’s nifty to be thrifty- use less paper. Write Off Paper — Go Electronic! The PDF — Still 100% Oak Free. Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage
Live simply so others can simply live!
Save the Rainforest Slogans
It’s up to us to make a fuss so we can know and trust that trees will not be left in the dust. So our future is not a bust, in trees we must trust. It’s up to us all, for the trees not to fall. Hear Nature’s call , stand for trees big and small. See more
1.Do your Duty to keep Nature a Beauty.
2. Help save the Lungs of the Earth- The Rainforest.
3.Let the Rainforest stay pure so its future can be secure.
See more Save the Rainforest Slogans
Go Green Slogans
1.Let’s go green to keep the globe clean.
2. The land, water and air, Let’s protect them with care
3. We all can do more to preserve the Earth we adore. Go Green.
4. Don’t be mean Go Green
5.No matter if you are big or small, we need help from all.
See more Go Green Slogans
We need to learn to live in harmony with nature. Plants, animals, humans, we are all co-inhabitants of this planet Earth. We must learn to live together without causing harm or abusing.
Biodiversity we must keep so in the future we don’t weep. Here are some more Biodiversity Slogans
Save Trees Facts
We all must start caring, because deforestation is despairing. To play in the river and the trees is so much fun, so let’s go green, for this Earth we have just one! It’s harder to repair damage when it’s done, prevention is the key for a better long run!
Will you please, save the birds and the bees, the land and the trees, the forests and the breeze. Lets be eager to appease, deforestation we must cease. Many animals and ecosystems that depend on the rainforest are severely hurt by deforestation. We need to stop and think, we are all linked. It’s time we start to care, or in the future they will be rare.
Oh Wonderful Tree Poem
Oh wonderful tree,
you do so much for me,
your leaves offer me shade
from the hot summer rays
On your branches I play
and watch your leaves as they sway.
Plenty of oxygen you supply,
and you keep the flood from getting too high.
upon your branches, birds build their nests.
To lay their eggs, and get their rest.
Your apples are a delicious treat,
Full of nutrition and tastes so sweet.
All this and more you provide
Your importance to us can’t be denied.
Here is a funny slogan for trees.
Save paper to Save trees. Just do it.
Don’t turn Rainforests to Deserts. To our planet it is a threat so lets make choices we won’t regret.
We get so much nutritious and delicious foods from trees, including fruits, nuts and more. In this infographic I just named a few but there are so many more. Some that I included are bananas, grapefruit, avocados, lemons, pomegranates, limes, pears, chocolate from coco beans, peaches, oranges, coconuts, mangoes, cherries and apples. There are also various nuts from trees such as Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds and more. Trees help provide food to the Earth’s people and animals so they should be cherished not left to be perished.
Click here to see more Environmental Slogans and Posters.
This is a funny Challenge Accepted meme. Saving paper is a simple thing we can all do to help Save trees. We can also spread the word to everyone we know the importance of saving paper and the rainforest. Do you accept the challenge of using less paper?
7 Environmental Principles
Here are seven principals we should all follow as inhabitants of the Earth. Let appreciate the Earth and all it provides and do our share to take care of it.
Save Trees Essay
The Blue Jay flies in search of a place to rest. Its scans the land for a place that’s the best, Its searches high and low as it flies on its quest. it sees a tree, that’s where it’ll build its nest.
In addition to providing a home for birds like the Blue Jay, the tree gives shelter to many other animals including insects, reptiles and amphibians. An interesting fact is that though the rainforest currently makes up only 7% of our planet Earth, it is home to 50% of all animals. As the Rainforest is being cut down, species are going extinct everyday and many are losing their homes.
A major issue we also face is global warming. Numerous studies and evidence shows that the temperatures are rising and there is excess Carbon Dioxide in the air. The trees help us with this issue because it takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen which we breathe. So trees help with the issue of too much carbon dioxide in the air, and still acres of forests are being cut down every day. This is very short term thinking with no consideration for our children and children’s children.
Instead of waiting around for a solution there are things that each of us can do to help this cause. We can use less paper. We can try to reuse much paper as we can by using both sides and avoiding when not necessary. We can buy used books or ebooks. We can use cleaning rags instead of paper towels. We can also can tell our friends and family the importance of conserving paper, and how the rainforests are being cut down. We must take a stand to protect the land.
If you have any great ideas for saving trees or tips to better Reduce, Reuse and Conserve, please share here:Share Ideas for Going Green