Safety Slogans
Safety Slogans and Sayings encourages people of all ages to pay attention to safety. By taking certain precautions and practicing safety rules we can prevent many accidents. After all it is better to be Safe than Sorry. Below you will find Safety Slogans and Sayings on a wide variety of topics. Click on a topic to see more safety slogans and sayings on that topic.
170 Catchy Safety Slogans and Posters
10 fingers, 10 toes 2 eyes 1 nose…safety counts 10 fingers. 10 toes, If you are not safe Who knows? For your well being’s sake, Safety precautions you must take. A clean floor everyday keeps lost days away. A spill, a slip, a hospital trip A tree never hits an automobile except in self defense […]
170 Great Safety Slogans and Posters
Here are some of the greatest, catchiest, funny and popular safety slogans and posters! Be prepared, Know the safety gear and tools you need and use them. When you have a set of safety precautions and rules in place, you have an advantage. Failing to prepare is preparing to failing. Safety is no Accident! Don’t […]
Safety Slogans that go with Candy
Here are some clever slogans that go with different popular candy and candy bars. Everything from chocolate candy bars, to gummy bears, to starbursts and more. Vote for the ones you like best.
170 Best Safety Slogans and Posters
Here are great and catchy safety slogans, posters, memes and images. See many creative posters featuring clever safety slogans and vote for your favorite ones. You can use these for your own projects or to spread the word about the importance of following safety rules.
Safety Slogans
Here are Safety Slogans and Sayings to remind us all to practice safety. Vote for the best.
Construction Safety Slogans
Construction Safety Slogans and Sayings reminds us in the construction field that it’s important to follow Construction Safety.
Hand Safety Slogans
These Hand Safety Slogans and Sayings help remind people to take safety precautions to protect their hands. Let’s give a High Five for Hand Safety.
Ladder Safety Slogans
Ladder Safety Slogans and Sayings reminds us when using a ladder we need to be aware and practice safety measures. Get to the top with ladder safety!
Boat Safety Slogans
Boat Safety Slogans and Sayings can be used to encourage people on boats to practice safety. Whether at land or at sea, safe is what you want to be.
Railroad Safety Slogans
Railroad Safety Slogans and Sayings reminds us all of certain safety practices that should be followed when near railroads.
Gun Safety Slogans
Gun safety slogans and sayings reminds us to aim for safety when using a gun. Give gun safety a shot, what can it hurt?
Electrical Safety Slogans
Electrical Safety Slogans and Sayings makes us aware of safe practices for electricity. If you fail to follow electricity safety, the results can be shocking.
Fire Safety Slogans
Fire Safety Slogans and Sayings will help prevent your future from going up in smoke. Fire safety will help keep you cool in a hot situation.
Texting and Driving Slogans
Texting and Driving Slogans and Sayings are meant for people of all ages to bring to their attention the dangers of texting and driving.
Winter Safety Slogans
Winter Safety Slogans and Sayings will bring to peoples’ attention safety precautions and practices for the winter. Don’t freeze when it comes to safety.
Bathroom Safety Slogans
These clever Bathroom safety slogans and sayings tells us of safety precautions and practices for the bathroom.
Pedestrian Safety Slogans
Pedestrian Safety Slogans and Sayings are used to encourage pedestrians of all ages to be aware and follow road safety practices. Vote with the arrows for the slogans you like.
Food Safety Slogans
Food Safety Slogans and Sayings encourages hygiene and safety practices that help prevent contamination. If you see slogans you like vote it up, if you see slogans that are bad , vote it down.
Eye Safety Slogans
Eye Safety Slogans and Sayings helps create awareness of the importance of protecting your eyes. If you think your eyesight is important, Protect it. From the list below if you see a slogan you like, vote for it!
Road Safety Slogans
Here are catchy and clever Road Safety Slogans and Sayings. Safety should be practiced everywhere, whether at home or on the road. Let’s not meet by accident, Practice safety on the Road. Vote up for the best slogans.
Hearing Safety Slogans
These catchy Hearing Safety Slogans and Sayings encourages the use of hearing protection. If you care about your hearing and you don’t want to lose it, protect it around loud noises. Vote for the slogans you think are the best.
Lifting and Back Safety Slogans
Lifting and Back Safety Slogans are used to create awareness of the safer way to lift and to encourage lifting and back safety. If you see any good slogans from the list below be sure to vote for it.
Hard Hat Safety Slogans
These catchy Hard Hat Slogans and Sayings encourages the use of hard hats to protect your head. After all, it’s insane to not protect your brain. If you see any slogans that gets your attention, please vote for it.
Foot Safety Slogans
Foot Safety Slogans and Sayings helps bring to your attention the importance of protecting your feet. We have two feet, ten toes, and if you want to keep it that way, Foot safety you should know. Vote for catchy slogans you like below.
Industrial Safety Slogans
Industrial Safety Slogans and Sayings encourages safe practices in an industrial environment or workplace. If you see catchy slogans you like from the list below, vote it up!
Aviation Safety Slogans
Fly High with these clever Aviation Slogans and Sayings. Even in the air, Safety should be practiced there. Vote up if you see a slogan you like, vote down if you see a slogan you don’t like.
Funny Safety Slogans
These Humorous and Funny Safety Slogans and Sayings will bring joy to your heart, a smile to your face while keeping safety in your mind. Be sure to vote for the best, most funny safety slogans below.
Biking Safety Slogans
No matter how big or small, biking safety slogans and sayings are meant for all!. So put on your helmet and vote for the best ones you like. Happy Trails!
Swimming Safety Slogans
These clever Swimming Safety Slogans and Sayings helps create awareness of the importance of practicing safe swimming. Don’t let safety sink when it comes to swimming. If you see any slogans that you like be sure to vote for it.