50 Cute School Campaign Posters and Sayings with Animals
Here are some cute and hilarious posters and sayings for your school campaign which all have animals. Here in this list you will find funny puns, slogans and sayings. To you win a school campaign, you want to make memorable posters and flyers that will get your classmate’s attention and make them laugh. Vote for the ones you think are the best from this list.
49 thoughts on “50 Cute School Campaign Posters and Sayings with Animals”
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I’m keeping an eye on you, I hope you vote Chris.
Vote for Gabriel, She’s one cool chick!
You can search high and low and not find a better president than Amelia
Stick your neck out to vote for Lucas
Don’t let your vote get trashed, Vote Jazmin!
It would really stink if Joseph didn’t win!
Vote Jim, he has all the koalafications!
Some Bunny thinks you should vote for Ava!
Cause a buzz to vote for Kim!
Bee Smart, Vote Julie!
Not voting for ________ is bananas!
No horsing around. Vote Freddie!
Noah is the best choice, I ain’t lion.
BEARy please vote Jackie!
Keep it cool! Vote Liam.
Come out of your shell and vote Ellie!
Not voting for Frankie would be a baaa-d move!
Don’t listen to the neigh-sayers. Vote Jack!
Don’t let me SPOT you not voting for Stacy
Voting for Jack is a Sharp Idea.
Don’t make it RUFF. Vote Alison!
Vote for Kacey, Don’t make me tell you I TOAD you so!