Here are posters, quotes and slogans for breast cancer awareness. October is breast cancer awareness month. These clever slogans can be used for t-shirts, fundraisers, events, banners, apparel, Relay for Life events and more. Spread Awareness, Find a cure.
90 thoughts on “100 Best Breast Cancer Awareness Slogans, Quotes and Sayings”
A feel a day keeps the doctor away.
Boobs, Sweat and Tears
Check your bumps for lumps.
Early Detection for your Protection.
Fasten Your Pink Ribbon. Let’s race towards a cure!
Get Your Pink On.
Ghosts and Goblins don’t scare me, I survived breast cancer.
To find a cure we’re in Pursuit Let’s give cancer the Boot.
Got Pink?
Hope, Strength, Love.
Not Just Surviving, Thriving.
People die everyday, cannot we help them in some way?
Pink is my signature color.
Pink Power.
Put Your Breast Foot Forward.
Ready, Set, Go Pink.
Real Men Wear Pink for the Cure.
Save Second Base.
Show you care, be aware.
Thanks For the Mammories.
The Breast Is Yet To Come.
Think Pink!
Walking my buns off for boobs.
We are fighting to keep a BREAST of the competition.
Yes my boobs are fake, my real ones tried to kill me.
It takes U to turn Cancer to Can Cure.
Nothing is destined, Nothing is set in stone, Let’s find a cure for cancer, Let’s not postpone.
I’m not soured, I’m empowered.
It’s never wrong to stand strong.
We have a cure in our sight, Breast Cancer we must fight.
Breast cancer don’t ignore, Support the search for a cure!
Breast Cancer we must fight, to find a cure is only right
Keep your life on track, Be sure to check your rack.
Breastfriends get screened together.
Awareness is the key to Cancel Cancer!
I walk all night so that someone may walk another day.
Star Light, Star Bright. We wish we may, we wish we might. find a cure for cancer tonight.
These boots were made for walking….all over cancer
Losing is not an Option.
Breast Cancer is a Speed bump not a Road Block.
Pink is not just the color of a ribbon, It’s the promise of hope.
Hope is the only thing strong than fear!
Who says girls can’t fight?!
Pink is Pretty. Pink is bright. We made the decision to live and fight!
F[ i ]ght [ Can ]cer
A world with less cancer is a world with more birthdays.
A feel a day keeps the doctor away.
Boobs, Sweat and Tears
Check your bumps for lumps.
Early Detection for your Protection.
Fasten Your Pink Ribbon. Let’s race towards a cure!
Get Your Pink On.
Ghosts and Goblins don’t scare me, I survived breast cancer.
To find a cure we’re in Pursuit Let’s give cancer the Boot.
Got Pink?
Hope, Strength, Love.
Not Just Surviving, Thriving.
People die everyday, cannot we help them in some way?
Pink is my signature color.
Pink Power.
Put Your Breast Foot Forward.
Ready, Set, Go Pink.
Real Men Wear Pink for the Cure.
Save Second Base.
Show you care, be aware.
Thanks For the Mammories.
The Breast Is Yet To Come.
Think Pink!
Walking my buns off for boobs.
We are fighting to keep a BREAST of the competition.
Yes my boobs are fake, my real ones tried to kill me.
It takes U to turn Cancer to Can Cure.
Nothing is destined, Nothing is set in stone, Let’s find a cure for cancer, Let’s not postpone.
I’m not soured, I’m empowered.
It’s never wrong to stand strong.
We have a cure in our sight, Breast Cancer we must fight.
Breast cancer don’t ignore, Support the search for a cure!
Breast Cancer we must fight, to find a cure is only right
Keep your life on track, Be sure to check your rack.
Breastfriends get screened together.
Awareness is the key to Cancel Cancer!
I walk all night so that someone may walk another day.
Star Light, Star Bright. We wish we may, we wish we might. find a cure for cancer tonight.
These boots were made for walking….all over cancer
Losing is not an Option.
Breast Cancer is a Speed bump not a Road Block.
Pink is not just the color of a ribbon, It’s the promise of hope.
Hope is the only thing strong than fear!
Who says girls can’t fight?!
Pink is Pretty. Pink is bright. We made the decision to live and fight!
F[ i ]ght [ Can ]cer
A world with less cancer is a world with more birthdays.