1 min read Anti-bullying-slogansSchool Slogans and SayingsSlogans for a Cause Anti Bullying Slogans May 3, 2012June 7, 2024 Renny33Tagged anti bullies slogans, anti bully, anti bullying quotes, anti bullying sayings Spread the loveAnti Bullying Slogans and Sayings can be used to discourage bullying. Together we can put an end to bullying.
Don’t bring others down making them frown, Lift your spirits high, instead of making them want to cry
5 mins read Anti-bullying-slogans 100 Clever Anti Bullying Slogans January 27, 2017June 8, 2024 Renny0
To belittle is to be little
Bullying affects lives, It hurts more than knives
Bulling we hate, Bullies we won’t tolerate
niceness is priceless
Words you can’t rewind so remember to be kind
treat others like you want to be treated
It is only fair to treat others with care
Everyone feels happiness, everyone feels mad, but there is no reason to make others feel sad
Not making others feel bad or sad..that’s rad!
When you are rude, you put others in a bad mood
treat others with respect, that’s what we expect
You don’t have to be a cop to tell bullies to stop
Tell bullies to go away, that we won’t accept them in any way
Stand your ground because what goes around, comes around
Bullies we don’t like, Bullies take a hike
Don’t be a fool, acting like a tool isn’t cool
Don’t be rude, don’t start a feud
Being rude? That’s lame dude
All for one, One for all, nobody here makes others feel small
Don’t turn your back, tell them bullying is whack
You like to make others feel pain? That is just plain insane
Real heroes don’t make others feel like zeroes
Don’t bring others down making them frown, Lift your spirits high, instead of making them want to cry
Bullies: We need to ask why, you make others want to cry?
Everyone is special in their unique way, treat others with respect at school and at play
Bullies are not accepted here, bullies are the one who should fear
Real heroes stands up for all, short and tall, big and small
The size that really matters is the size of your heart
What would superman do?
We are all sisters and brothers so show respect to others
you’re not big or bold, you just act like that because inside you’re cold
Take a stand, and hold a hand.
don’t stand by be an ally!