1 min read Animal Slogans and SayingsSlogans for a Cause Anti Dog Fighting Slogans June 26, 2012June 7, 2024 Renny22 Spread the loveHere is a list of Anti Dog Fighting Slogans to discourage dog fights. Dogs are meant to be loved not forced to fight.
Real Men don’t fight Dogs
Speak for ones without a voice
Have a heart, do your part, Stop Dog Fighting
They hurt, They feel pain, Dog fighting is insane
They may look tough on the outside, but they just want to be loved!
Dogs: For loving, not fighting
Stand for what is right! Stop the dog fight!
Dog’s are man’s best friend, don’t make man their worst!
Have compassion, Do what’s right, Dog fighting is a brutal sight
Dogs are innocents souls, Don’t let them be corrupted.
What if you had to fight to stay alive?
Use your wit, Use your voice, to help those without a choice.
Dog Fight is just mean, Such an evil scene is just obscene
Show dogs love not hate, don’t let them have a terrible fate
They have to growl, grunt and bite, to survive they are forced to fight…..that’s just not right
Pitt Bulls: Made for hugs not thugs
Its not even fun to watch, so imagine how it feels
You have a voice, help the dogs without a choice. Stop Dog Fighting!
Take out the blindness, show a little kindness, evolve up the ladder, get conscious- animals matter.
Being cruel, isn’t cool.
The question is not, “Can they reason?” nor, “Can they talk?” but rather, “Can they suffer?”
No compassion, No peace.
Know Compassion, Know Peace.