Let’s spread love not hate. Judging someone by their race is just not right. Here are powerful and creative Anti Racism Slogans and Sayings. Vote for your favorite.
14 thoughts on “Anti Racism Slogans”
Racism: the maximum of hatred for the minimum of reason
We are all God’s creation, put an end to discrimination
We all have dream, We all have goals, each and everyone plays important roles
A smile is a smile no matter the face, a soul is a soul no matter the race
Racism chains both
Don’t be outragious, Racism is contagious
Racism is just a PIGMENT of your imagination
Racism: Divide and Destroy, kills peace and joy
Many colors can still sing in Harmony
Love knows no color
Racism: the affliction Education: the prescription Knowledge: the cure
Racism: the maximum of hatred for the minimum of reason
We are all God’s creation, put an end to discrimination
We all have dream, We all have goals, each and everyone plays important roles
A smile is a smile no matter the face, a soul is a soul no matter the race
Racism chains both
Don’t be outragious, Racism is contagious
Racism is just a PIGMENT of your imagination
Racism: Divide and Destroy, kills peace and joy
Many colors can still sing in Harmony
Love knows no color
Racism: the affliction Education: the prescription Knowledge: the cure
We are all more alike than we are different
Ridiculous Assumptions Cultivate Increased Sordid Maliciousness
Actions hurt, Words scar