Here are Family slogans, sayings and quotes that celebrates and expresses the bonds of family. Vote for the ones you like the best and you can also add your own.
25 thoughts on “Family Slogans”
A family’s love can’t be bought, a family’s love comes from the heart
Blood is thicker than water
trees without roots fallover
Other things may change but we start and end with Family
Home is where the heart is
Blood makes you related, Love makes you family.
Friends come and go, but family is always there.
My family puts the fun in dysfunctional
A family that prays together stays together
Crazy is a relative term in my family
A family’s love should never harm, turn to family with open arms
Brother and Sister, Mom and Dad, I turn to you when I feel sad
Friends and Family there is no stronger bond, Not in the universe or beyond.
Family lifts me up when I feel low, Gives me a reason to smile and glow
Family is the wind beneath my wings
Home is where the heart is
Family is like peanut butter, a little nutty but mostly sweet
I’ll leave you never, We are family forever
A house is built of walls and beams but a family is built with love and dreams
Having love and care is a family blessing to share
Whether your family is near or far, their love is with you where ever you are.
Family: where life begins and love never ends
In time of test, family is best.
The roots of a family tree begin with the love of two hearts
Side by side or miles apart, family are always close to the heart.
A family’s love can’t be bought, a family’s love comes from the heart
Blood is thicker than water
trees without roots fallover
Other things may change but we start and end with Family
Home is where the heart is
Blood makes you related, Love makes you family.
Friends come and go, but family is always there.
My family puts the fun in dysfunctional
A family that prays together stays together
Crazy is a relative term in my family
A family’s love should never harm, turn to family with open arms
Brother and Sister, Mom and Dad, I turn to you when I feel sad
Friends and Family there is no stronger bond, Not in the universe or beyond.
Family lifts me up when I feel low, Gives me a reason to smile and glow
Family is the wind beneath my wings
Home is where the heart is
Family is like peanut butter, a little nutty but mostly sweet
I’ll leave you never, We are family forever
A house is built of walls and beams but a family is built with love and dreams
Having love and care is a family blessing to share
Whether your family is near or far, their love is with you where ever you are.
Family: where life begins and love never ends
In time of test, family is best.
The roots of a family tree begin with the love of two hearts
Side by side or miles apart, family are always close to the heart.