People can transmit HIV AIDs through sex and may not know they have it, so it’s important to get tested and use protection. Here are HIV AIDS slogans and Sayings.
24 thoughts on “HIV AIDs Slogans and Sayings”
Wear Protection to Prevent INFECTION
prevention is better than cure
AIDS brings pain! Girls, please abstain!
Aids Can’t Be Cured With BandAids
End the Dread…Stop the Spread
Help to eradicate aids, so lives can be saved
Open your eyes before AIDS closes them
condoms are cheaper than aids
ABC – Abstain, Be faithful and Condomise
Help Us Find A Way to End the Decay
Don’t cry, Don’t die, when AIDS comes near, say goodbye.
AIDS: Avoid the Scare…Be Aware
Love Shouldn’t Kill
Lets aid each other to combat A.I.D.S.
The Laids Aren’t Worth AIDS
AIDS-an equal opportunity disease.
Help Us Find A Way to Take AIDS Away
don’t harm yourself but arm yourself with knowledge to combat HIV/AIDS
Spread the KNOWLEDGE…not the VIRUS
Cover Your Lover
hate the disease, but not the diseased !
knowledge is best prevention , from the hiv infection
HIV: Isn’t just somebody else’s problem; it could be yours!
Wear Protection to Prevent INFECTION
prevention is better than cure
AIDS brings pain! Girls, please abstain!
Aids Can’t Be Cured With BandAids
End the Dread…Stop the Spread
Help to eradicate aids, so lives can be saved
Open your eyes before AIDS closes them
condoms are cheaper than aids
ABC – Abstain, Be faithful and Condomise
Help Us Find A Way to End the Decay
Don’t cry, Don’t die, when AIDS comes near, say goodbye.
AIDS: Avoid the Scare…Be Aware
Love Shouldn’t Kill
Lets aid each other to combat A.I.D.S.
The Laids Aren’t Worth AIDS
AIDS-an equal opportunity disease.
Help Us Find A Way to Take AIDS Away
don’t harm yourself but arm yourself with knowledge to combat HIV/AIDS
Spread the KNOWLEDGE…not the VIRUS
Cover Your Lover
hate the disease, but not the diseased !
knowledge is best prevention , from the hiv infection
HIV: Isn’t just somebody else’s problem; it could be yours!