1 min read Environment Slogans and Sayings Save Water Slogans July 25, 2011June 7, 2024 Renny33Tagged conservation slogans, save water slogans Spread the loveSave Water Slogans and Sayings are a great way to encourage people to save water! Start saving water today!
W-asting water is bad, A-all living things need water, T-together we should save it, E-every one can help, R-efuse to waste water please.
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Put a Stop – to the Drop.
Save water for your daughter!
Get a grip…stop that drip!
Don’t Drop Out To Save The Drop
Do your children a favor and save tomorrow’s life saver…Water!
save water secure the future!
waste water today , live in desert tomorrow!
Stop the drip to save the drop!
water=life conservation = future
When every little drop matters, conserve whatever you can.
Drip by Drip, water slips… away.
Conserve those you love, the things that matter, what keeps you living! Save Water!
Save the water here and there, don’t waste it anywhere.
We may go extinct if you don’t turn off the sink.
Leaks make your future bleak.
Don’t let the future blow, save H20.
Fresh water is only 0.002% on earth.
Water, conserve it, preserve it, and go with the flow!
You have the Power to take a short Shower!
To a thirsty man, water is worth more than diamonds.
Water – Billions of People are Dying for It!
Zap the tap.
Wait, stop and think, what if we didn’t have water to drink!
A drop saved today keeps disaster away.
Save a drop today reap an ocean tomorrow.
WATER- a priceless treasure, Save it with pleasure.
save water per day , keep scarcity away.
Every drop of water counts.
Some conservation today much happiness tomorrow.
Let’s turn every Mirage into an Oasis!
If you think water as a precious resource then save water because every drop counts.
Don’t go to shower for an hour
W-asting water is bad,
A-all living things need water,
T-together we should save it,
E-every one can help,
R-efuse to waste water please.