1 min read Animal Slogans and SayingsFood Slogans and SayingsHealth Slogans and Sayings Vegetarian Slogans June 26, 2012June 7, 2024 Renny22Tagged anti meat sayings, anti meat slogans, vegetarian quotes, vegetarian sayings, Vegetarian slogans Spread the loveHere is a list of Vegetarian Slogans and Sayings which discourages people from eating meat. Vote for the best.
1 min read Environment Slogans and Sayings Grow a Garden Slogans September 21, 2012June 7, 2024 Renny26
Save a turkey, eat tofurkey
Save a pig eat tofu
Food without a face.
Go vegetation: you will save 100s of animals and an acre of trees each year
I don’t eat anything with a face
be kind to animals–don’t eat them
Don’t have a cow man
You are too cute to be eating dead animals.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.
Animals have a soul so it shouldn’t be in your bowl
There’s nothing sweet about eating meat!
beets not meats
vegetarian because I know better
Wings are for flying, not frying.
Spare an animal, eat a vegetable
Beef: It’s what’s rotting in your colon.
If it has a heart beat, don’t eat, retreat.
Don’t have a cow, man!
If you are what you eat, then you are dead meat!
Eat beans, not beings!