5 Amazing Middle School Campaign Speeches
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5 Amazing Middle School Campaign Speeches

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You are running for school elections and want some great ideas for a winning school campaign speech? One way to think up of clever and great ideas is to see some examples of other great school campaign speeches. You can use some of these clever techniques to help you create a great speech that will encourage your classmates to vote for you.

This is an example of a great speech. She starts off by talking about her experience as the activities coordinator and how she came up with Mustache Day and Pajama Day which are both clever and funny ideas. Mustache Day is a day where every wears fake mustaches and Pajama Day is a day where everyone gets to come to school in their pajamas! Something I really like about her speech is that she encourages students who have ideas to tell her their ideas and she will do her best to make it happen. She uses her singing talent to sing a catchy song encouraging people to vote for her. The song she sang is actually a modified version of the song “And I am Telling you I’m not Going” sung by Jennifer Hudson. It’s a clever idea to use a popular song or rap and change the words to make it about you running for student council. It’s a cool idea to use any talents you have such as singing or rapping and find a way to include it in your speech like she did. She also talks about new ideas she has that will happen if she gets voted for president which includes Disney Day, Color Class Day and Holiday Cheer Day. She ends off her speech by saying she is motivated and enthusiastic to be the next student council president.

In his speech Nick starts off in a funny way, saying that he knows everyone want to get back to class so he will keep it brief but then opens up the paper of his speech and it drops all the way to the floor, which is pretty funny. He then goes on to talk about reasons why people should vote for him and stories and examples to support those reasons. He talks clearly and with confidence and has a good amount of humor to his speech.

This is a clever speech for class treasurer. In the beginning he looks nervous; his voice and his hands are shaky. But then he drops his paper and is confident. “We’ve all heard this speech before”, he says, “What we need is change!” By change he means money, and he wants to count that change. He uses alot of funny lines and slogans for this speech. This example shows that even a short speech can be funny and memorable.

Here is a good speech where the speaker is running for Vice President of Student Council. He starts off with a funny line saying he is running for Principal, but wait that position is already taken. He states 3 reasons why people should vote for him: He has creative ideas, he is hardworking and he has experience. He then talks about these three points. He talks about his creative ideas which includes: crazy hair day, goofy clothes day and recess day. He tells a short funny story about him being a hard-worker. He also tells about his experience; being in student council for 3 years. He ended his speech with a funny saying which went like this: “If you vote for me the future will be so bright that we’re going to need some shades.” It’s a clever idea to add some funny lines to your speech.

Here is an idea to make your speech stand out, make it rhyme!

Here is a funny student council speech. He has many props he uses to make his speech memorable and to make people laugh.

These are all great examples of speeches. So here are the 4 most important tips you should take from these examples:

1. If you can sing or rap, use it to make your speech extra memorable.
2. Talk about things you can do if you were elected on student council such as crazy hair day, mustache day, pajama day, great class reunions, ect.
3. Add funny lines, stories or props to your speech.
4. Have Fun!

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