1 min read School Campaign SlogansSchool Campaign Slogans Student Council Campaign Slogans September 27, 2011June 7, 2024 Renny77 Spread the loveWhen running a school campaign these Student Council Campaign Slogans will help spread the word. Be sure to vote for the ones that stand out.
go the extra mile vote (your name) for (position your running for) and i guarantee he`ll/she`ll make you smile
Donuts, chocolate, pizza…..Now that I have your attention, Vote (your name) for (president /vp /secretary /treasurer).
Vote (Your name) for (what your running for), because life is too short to have a bad student government.
(Put an arrow sign pointing to your home room door) saying “the land of your future” president, vp, secretary, treasurer, historian, ext.
2 mins read School Campaign Slogans 6 Amazing Student Council Videos September 21, 2016June 8, 2024 Renny0
1 min read School Campaign Slogans 50 Cute School Campaign Posters and Sayings with Animals September 19, 2016June 8, 2024 Renny49
1 min read Posters 100 Best School Campaign Slogans, Posters and Ideas August 23, 2016June 8, 2024 Renny89
Vote For _________ – Common Sense For An Uncommon Time!
When put to the test, I will be the best
Popularity or brains… it’s a no-brainer… Vote _________
__________ is the best, forget with the rest.
_______ is the right choice, go ahead, raise your voice!
Cast your ballot, have you heard? (name) for student president, spread the word!
No need to sweat, Vote for someone you won’t regret, vote _________
Don’t throw your vote away, vote for ________ today!
Want life to go your way? Vote ________ today!
Feel like you should have a say? Vote ________ today!
You’ve seen the best now choose the best, vote for___________
Vote for ________, the man with a plan
Be a pal, vote for this gal
Get fresh ideas from a freshman: (Name).
Everyone says, ________ for Prez.
Take a stand! The results will be grand!
A Vote for Me is a Vote for You, Vote ______ to Represent You!
Students Need Their Own Voice. So Make The Right Choice.
Don’t Be Hesitant. Vote _______ For President.
A vote works wonders. Vote for ______________
Vote for the best so you won’t be stressed
Don’t be a loser, be a chooser
We like (your name) yes we do! we’ll vote for her and so should you!
For Success Choose The Best
Putting a plan in action to assure your satisfaction
My name is ______ and I’m here to serve you. Vote for me and I won’t desert you.
Vote for me, ______ and you”ll go WEE!
vote for(name) shes a smart cookie.
I am nobody.. nobody is perfect.. therefore I am perfect.. vote for _____
Two, four, six, eight! Vote 4 (name) don’t be late!
YOUR voice. YOUR choice. Vote __________ today.
Vote for me, a busy bee!
Some decisions in life are just that easy. ________ for Vice Prez.
Coming Soon to a class room near you
got (name)?
Like a good neighbor __________ is there.
I may be small, but I’ve got it all. I’ll fight without rest, put me to the test. Vote for (Name).
If you want the best, you gotta vote for the best -I’m (famous person) and I approve this message
Don’t gloat, put in your vote.Vote for ________!
I’m small like a mouse, but I’m a power house!
Vote 4 name i promise ill do my best ill never stop to take a rest
Vote for Pedro (this is crossed out, but still readable) Vote for _________________
2-4-6-8 vote for______ don’t hesitate
The girl with the SMILE will go the extra MILE!
I’m very clever, but not scary. Vote for me for secretary!
Im kind and fair so vote for me and I will care!!!
i know i am a rookie but i am one smart cookie!
If you vote for me them you will see what a great Representative I’ll be!
Chews (name) for student council president! (Put gum packages and bubbles on your poster)
Vote for (name), he’s the man, if he can’t do it no one can!
go the extra mile vote (your name) for (position your running for) and i guarantee he`ll/she`ll make you smile
Don’t vote for them they don’t know what to do. Vote for me and I’ll MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.
2,4,6,8 who do we designate? Me,Me,Me,and ME!!!!
I don’t just speak the change I make the change.
And I just can’t wait to be king! Vote ________ for president
Donuts, chocolate, pizza…..Now that I have your attention, Vote (your name) for (president /vp /secretary /treasurer).
Vote (Your name) for (what your running for), because life is too short to have a bad student government.
Helping the world since 2003
I’ll do my best so don’t vote for the rest.
Vote for me i’m the right choice, vote for me i’ll be your voice
keep calm and vote (name)
It’s elementary, my dear voters, Vote For (your name)!
Like a good (secretary, president, VP, treasurer) _____ is there!
I’m the best thing since sliced bread!
(Put an arrow sign pointing to your home room door) saying “the land of your future” president, vp, secretary, treasurer, historian, ext.
Will go the extra mile to make you smile.
I may be small but i can do it all. Vote for ___________.
(Name) The best, Forget the rest.
Many people agree, Vote _____ For VP!
Be bright and choose who’s right vote ( your name ) for ( your position).
(hang up a small mirror) Look who’s voting for (name)!
Vote for me, its my only plea!
Extra extra read all about it ! ( your name ) is running for ( ______ ) and we gotta shout it!
she’s got the heart, she’s got style, vote for the girl with smile.
Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the best vote of them all? (put a picture of you in a mirror)
Do what you OTTER! Vote for (______) *put a picture of an otter*