77 thoughts on “Student Council Campaign Slogans

  1. If you want the best, you gotta vote for the best -I’m (famous person) and I approve this message

  2. go the extra mile vote (your name) for (position your running for) and i guarantee he`ll/she`ll make you smile

  3. Don’t vote for them they don’t know what to do. Vote for me and I’ll MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.

  4. Donuts, chocolate, pizza…..Now that I have your attention, Vote (your name) for (president /vp /secretary /treasurer).

  5. Vote (Your name) for (what your running for), because life is too short to have a bad student government.

  6. (Put an arrow sign pointing to your home room door) saying “the land of your future” president, vp, secretary, treasurer, historian, ext.

  7. Be bright and choose who’s right vote ( your name ) for ( your position).

  8. Extra extra read all about it ! ( your name ) is running for ( ______ ) and we gotta shout it!

  9. Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the best vote of them all? (put a picture of you in a mirror)

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